This second edition of the international seminar Lectures on Social Contract will be held within the scope of the CIDEHUS group and is planned to take place in April 2024 at the University of Évora. The scientific summit is dedicated to bringing together different specialists who analyse the discursivities of decision-making developed in medieval towns and other local instances of political governance. The goal of this seminar is centred in exploring the dynamics between the local and the central spheres of power, following an understanding on how those dynamics build their communication strategies from communal institutions side to interact with —or, even though, resist to— their so-called sovereign authorities.
These communication channels often operated networks of semantic change between the local spheres, where political decisions were performed, and the higher spheres with jurisdictional power over them. Although it is true that these discursive dynamics have been implicitly taken as an object of attention of several historiographical scholarships, it is also true that many of them have served to highlight a wildly interpretation of the Statebuilding in the late medieval societies.
In our attempt to put different perspectives on this subject, we are readily inviting our speakers to look in continuation of their own specialisation approaches to examine the communal space and its political interactions as manufacture of institutional discourses through semantic adaptations. Within these elements anchoring the generical proposal this summit aims to analyse the transformations of meanings in local representativeness and the decision-making processes that covered the institutional metamorphoses of the local spheres of power, as in the municipal or the urban world.
09:30 UTC+1
10:00 Coffee-break
10:15 UTC+1
12:00 Lunch time
14:00 UTC+1
15:20 UTC+1
16:40 Coffee-break
17:00 UTC+1
17:30 UTC+1
20:30 Seminar Official Dinner
09:30 UTC+1
10:45 UTC+1
11:15 UTC+1
Largo do Marquês de Marialva 8, 7000-654 Évora, PORTUGAL
(+351) 266 740 800